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All in One, Straight to the target!
DocFinance and DocCredit are an All-in-One solution for managing your company's finances. With provider and fintech integrations and a complete array of functions, our products are able to achieve all the objectives of a modern finance department. Automation makes the processes certain, clear and shared!

Financial planning, banking technology & accounting
More than 20,000 companies use DocFinance each day.
o It’s a complete solution that’s quick and easy to implement, with many objectives already prepared.
o It’s able to handle the entire organizational and administrative process of corporate cash managers and provide the online financial position of one or more companies.
o With just a few clicks you can get a final and prospective view of your cash flow and cash flow scenarios. By automating the work we free up your team so they can dedicate their time and expertise to more pressing matters.

DocFinance is integrated with more than 300 management systems. These systems send us customer records and due dates and we issue the journal entry of the transactions carried out in the treasury. The process of POS collections is simplified and monitored.
Banking providers

DocFinance is integrated with domestic and international providers to submit collection and payment slips, obtain bank account reporting, receive transaction results, and pay taxes.

DocFinance is integrated with several fintechs for FX payments, Dynamic Discounting, Confirming, financial instrument management and reporting, financial information, and Risk Management.

Risk, Recovery, Sfido, Collections, AllInOne!
• Know your counterparty risk: who do you work with, how much could you sell, and historical financial exposure (trend). Calculate a rating or get one from providers, but never go without!
• Automated workflow for the dunning and collection process. Nothing left to chance: recovery actions only stop with collection. Disputes, payment promises, repayment plans, judicial recovery: all activities are monitored and proposed for action. The dashboard always reminds you who’s supposed to be doing what!
• Web functions available when traveling: aging, reminders, collections, Sfido and credit overruns, web POS, business information providers.
Information Providers

DocCredit is integrated with DocFinance and major ERP systems. From these we receive customer records and due dates and we return any repositionings agreed to with customers.

DocCredit is integrated with major information providers from which we download counterparty financial statements and ratings.

DocCredit is integrated with several fintechs that provide specific services such as web-based collections management (credit card circuits, online bank transfers).